Monday, October 15, 2007

Lech Lecha Torah portion comments from AIPAC

Building Confidence – Vayiven sham mizbei'ach "There he built an altar" (Genesis 12:7) Why did Avram pass through the land, only building an altar after God appears to him and promises him the land? Ramban explains that Avram was too scared of the Canaanites to build an altar amongst their overwhelming presence. Once Hashem promises Avram the land, he is no longer afraid. It takes a special kind of strength to take action when doing nothing would be easier. Israel has stated its commitment to pursuing peace with the Palestinians and has repeatedly said that it is willing and desirous to deal with the new Palestinian leadership. Pursuing peace in a responsible manner is the right thing to do, but comes with inherent risks. If the Palestinian leadership continues to take necessary steps to end terrorism and corruption, Israel is prepared for peace. Click here to view the complete Tidbits for Lech L'chah.
Standing Apart Together – Vayageid l'Avram ha'Ivri "And he told to Avram the Hebrew" (Genesis 14:13) Why does the Torah refer to Avram and an Ivri? Midrash (B'reishit Rabbah 42:8) teaches that R. Nehemiah explained Ivri as meaning Avram was a descendant of Ever, an explanation seized on by Radak and others. But the same midrash cites R. Yudah as saying that it means that the whole world was on one side (ever) while Avram was on the other. There is no question that Avram stood apart – not just in his generation, but in human history. Standing apart can be lonely, but it can also be a mark of inner strength and willingness to act rightly even when others act otherwise. The relationship between the United States and Israel reflects the strength of both countries and stands apart in the international community as a uniquely strong, mutually beneficial friendship. Click here to view the complete Tidbits for Lech L'chah.
Still in Captivity – Vayishmah Avram ki nishbah achiv "When Avram heard that his kinsman was captured" (Genesis 14:14) Avram comes to Lot 's rescue in fulfillment of the mitzvah to save the life of an endangered person. In his commentary, Ramban points out that it must have taken Avram a long time to reach Lot and free him because of the great distance traveled. The lesson for us is that we are required to give maximum effort over whatever length of time it takes to save the lives of our brothers and sisters when they are in captivity and danger. Kidnapped Israeli soldiers Gilad Shalit, Ehud Goldwasser, and Eldad Regev remain in captivity more than a year after they were taken by terrorists in unprovoked cross-borders raids. As Avram worked tirelessly to free Lot , we must work to free Gilad, Ehud, and Eldad. Click here to view the complete Tidbits for Lech L'chah.

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