Sunday, October 7, 2007

From Baehr wrote:

Richard Baehr <> wrote:
.1. The New York Times jumped all over the purported massacre at Haditha, For the Times, this was their Duke story in Iraq- fitting all their biases about out of control soldiers, frustrated by an unwinnable war, finally losing it and turning their guns on innocent civilians. .As with the Duke story, the Times needs to turn its guns on itself. It will never happen. haditha-then.html _r=1&pagewanted=print&oref=slogin was_haditha_a_deliberate_propa.html2. The Palestinian rockets are getting more sophisticated in Gaza. And Hamas lies in waiting in the West Bank. apage=1&cid=1191257226012&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull3. Are we winning the war on terror?,filter.all/pub_detail.asp4. A very pessimistic piece on our conflict with Iran. Mark Hanna says the bad guys are winning. iran_plans_to_checkmate_americ.html5. In Britain, soon it will be OK for some doctor to refuse to treat you for certain conditions, because they do not approve of them. . . Guess which religion these doctors practice? Glad they approve of cancer and heart disease. The BBC feeds this multicultural tolerance. As the song says, only the good die young. The Randy Pausch story, and the lecture that made the Carnegie Mellon professor famous. This story is almost enough to make me root to see the Steelers in the Super Bowl come January, since that is what Pausch wants. . Almost. The Ukraine was one of the worst horror show places for the Jews during the Second World War. Ukrainians were among Hitler's most willing conscripts (along with Latvians) to volunteer for "camp" duty em&ex=1191816000&en=876567c8e5dfd9e8&ei=5087%0A8. Caroline Glick on Condi Rice's dangerous delusions about a peace conference cid=1191257226128&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull9.Bartle Bull has a positive reading on what is going on in Iraq. I think Democrats in Congress will gag if they read this one Christopher Hitchens is not known for his humility (he was the model for the alcoholic British journalist mocked in Tom Wolfe's Bonfire of the Vanities). . Here he tackles a real tough one- that a US soldier who died in Iraq, decided to enlist based on Hitchens' defense of the war printable=trueƂ¤tPage=all11. Hugh Fitzgerald on Hirsi Ali two event reminders:1. Join To Protect Our Heritage PAC and Moriah Congregation in welcoming Caroline Glick on Oct. 9thTODAY ISRAEL MUST BE DEFENDED ON MANY FRONTSThis promises to be a high level briefing.Deputy Managing Editor of the Jerusalem PostChief Diplomatic Correspondent Makor Rishon News

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